Wednesday, September 28, 2016

This Video Makes Golf Swing About As Simple As Possible

Making Swinging a Golf Club As Simple As Possible

A golf instructor that I have a great deal of respect for because of his ability to help people get better posted this video and gave me permission to share it.

Watch it and pay attention to what he says and what he does even if you have to watch it more than once.  Anyone with the ability to walk fast without falling down can do this and get better quickly.

If it feels different you have to understand that the only thing that feels comfortable to you is the swing you have.  Any change, no matter how simple or good, will feel a little different. 

Embrace it.  Different Is Good!

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Saturday, September 10, 2016

This Simple Drill Works Wonders

The first time I saw this drill used was many years ago and it was shown to me by Gary Wiren who is a member of six Golf Halls of Fame, including the PGA Hall of Fame and the World Golf Teachers Hall of Fame, and has honorary memberships or distinguished-service recognition from Sweden, Italy, New Zealand and Japan.

I bring that up just to let you know that this drill actually works.  I have used it successfully for years with my students and would just like to pass it on because it will help you.   A great explanation of how to gain more club head speed and improve impact.  It doesn't get much more simple than this.

The one tip this young lady leaves out is the the lighter you hold the club and the more relaxed you are the faster it will move and the louder the sound will be.  Now watch the video and go make some noise.

Be sure and subscribe to my blog and receive my Ebook on the short game for free.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Golf Explained Simply

I just posted a new video to my YouTube Channel and I think most golfers can learn something from it.  It is not a How To Fix video.  It is information only.  Two very good teachers cover a variety of topics about how the golf swing works.

New to Golf

This is something I believe golfers that are fairly new to the game can greatly benefit from as it explains a lot of things that people have misconceptions or misunderstandings about and it does it very simply and clearly.

I love using simple videos because people learn athletic movements primarily with their eyes and with their ears to a lesser extent.  They watch the motion and the brain records it.  Then they should try the motion and repeat it until they develop a feel for it.

Not New to Golf

Even if you are not new to golf it will act as a refresher course that will help you get over all the bad tips your friends, TV announcers, and golf publications have given you.  Everyone, unfortunately, has a tendency to become what I call a "Tip Hoarder."  You pick up bits and pieces from a lot of different sources and store them away.

Trying to create a decent golf swing from all the odds and ends would be like trying to build a house out of scraps of lumber.  The result is most likely not going to be very good.

One Last Thought

Your golf swing is the result of what what you are thinking.  Your brain controls all your movements so if it has bad information to work with the result will be bad golf shots.

Change what you think in order to change your swing.  It is that simple.